
Showing posts from 2017

Slasher movie research

Research of slasher movie tropes from Kanzaer

Filming locations

Before me and my group began shooting our trailer we went out in search for different locations that we could potentially shoot in. Down below are the various spots that we have used and some are ones that we are planning on using. Some of the areas ended up being restricted due to the curfew that was placed in the area 'Neighbourhood watch' program that takes place which prevented my group and I from filming however we were able to find more appealing areas to film in.

German Expressionism

German Expressionism from Kanzaer

Survey Analysis questions

For my coursework I have been placed into groups and given a task of creating a horror movie trailer along with posters. However before constructing my poster and trailer me and my group created a survey in order for us to reach out to the public to understand what the general conceptions are of a slasher movie. Most points of reference tend to be from past slasher movies which are iconic and stick within the minds of those that have watched them such as scream and friday the 13th with Jason and the killer in scream wearing an iconic white mask along with  a weapon that they use for their evil plot. By establishing the age of our demographic we are able to identify the interest who our main audience is thus helping us to direct our trailer ways that appear more appealing towards our age range which according to the results has a high percentage of 17 year olds which means that our main audience is teenagers. By establishing the whether or not our audience lik

Halloween returns film analysis

Halloween Returns Analysis The trailer starts off on a dark road where everything is barely visible to the extent that any visuals given to the audience is through the street lights that are on either side of the road but even with that it is very dim. Looking deeper into what that means within the genre of slasher movies represents the connotations of there being a loss of hope as the darkness seems to overwhelm the majority of the first sequence. Within the same sequence of shots there is a dark silhouette standing in the distance with a red street light above it, red has connotations of anger and danger   along with silhouette and the atmosphere that is displayed brings around a very cold display to the trailer right at the start. Proceeding on towards the next scene we hear the voice of the last girl saying that she killed him I killed him, while she is doing this she is walking along with the main antagonist’s weapon of

Latex work

During my lesson today I began working with latex for the first time, this experience was quite new to me as I was unaware that latex could be used along with cosmetics which is generally portrayed throughout the horror genre along with heavy CGI in some cases. A prime example of what I mean by cosmetics is looking at the very disturbing image of the Linda Blair in the exorcist. Within the era that this film was distributed and even today this image is still very stressful upon the eyes when analyzing the in-depth level of detail that went into constructing the face of Linda.  Looking at BTS (Behind The Scenes ) clips from the major industries of film production I came across different techniques and skills that they used when constructing. However before that I decided on which location I wanted to construct a gash or wound. Finally deciding on my arm, I started off by applying one layer of latex across my forearm. However when applying a base onto an arm it is necessary


Welcome to the second year of my Media studies course, throughout this final year I will be learning a range of diverse media concepts in order to help me create a slasher movie trailer. Creating this trailer I will be working in a group of three. Whilst filming I will also be constructing a magazine front cover similar to what I have done in the AS year and also an actual poster for the film.