Halloween returns film analysis

Halloween Returns Analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgE_Muk0T7A

The trailer starts off on a dark road where everything is barely visible to the extent that any visuals given to the audience is through the street lights that are on either side of the road but even with that it is very dim. Looking deeper into what that means within the genre of slasher movies represents the connotations of there being a loss of hope as the darkness seems to overwhelm the majority of the first sequence. Within the same sequence of shots there is a dark silhouette standing in the distance with a red street light above it, red has connotations of anger and danger  along with silhouette and the atmosphere that is displayed brings around a very cold display to the trailer right at the start.

Proceeding on towards the next scene we hear the voice of the last girl saying that she killed him I killed him, while she is doing this she is walking along with the main antagonist’s weapon of murder. Within this scene the environment is still very dull which represents the sense of gloominess and edge towards the onward parts to come of the trailer. A police car pulls up behind within the same scene asking her who did she kill and what’s wrong which represents the ideology within horror/slasher movies where the ‘Authorities’ e.g. parents policemen anyone who within real we would presume would be able to solve the problem are inadequate and cannot do their job as this policemen within the trailer has already turned up late as she claims to have already killed the man.

The trailer then cuts onto the next sequence of shots where the final girl is being rushed into hospital strapped down to a stretch bed inflicted with various wounds. Within this sequence of shots the camera is used at irregular angles along with it shaking to give a sense of realism and edge towards this particular scene, while she is doing this there is non-diagetic sounds of a heart rate monitor being repeatedly played over the top of the main female protagonist screaming. However due to the effects and the way that laid out this trailer it seems as if the scenes with blood smeared across her body are edited as the blood is a very watered down brown which doesn’t seem to be like what most audiences would expect blood to look like within a slasher movie.

The next scene seems to be a small continuity edit to where she is resting in her bed after all the procedures are done as we don’t get to see them. Within this scene of her resting in the bed there is a typical slasher movie convention of a having thunder and lightning within the backgrounds to set the tone and atmosphere of the movie always keep the audiences suspenseful. Within this same scene there is a fade to black to where the diagetic sounds of the rain and environmental noise is cut and there is complete silence. We then get shown different irregular germanistic complacent shots of different angles within the hospital to where there is a continuity edit of her getting out of her bed to walking down the hospital holding onto her frame. This shot shows a sense of weakness which is different from the general concept of the male gaze where women are shot in weak positions but this sequence shows her at irregular concepts to where we don’t know if she is safe or not within these areas of the trailer.

As the Final Girl walks within the hospital we see one of the nurses killed and laid on the floor, most people may not have seen this within the trailer which is why they had a very disturbing dun sound to emphasise on towards the women which really grabs the attention of the audience. We then see the Boot of the killer and it pans upwards conveying the amount of power towards the killer , the camera then switches to the final girl and we get a medium shot which really emphasises the amount of danger she realises she is in. The next sequence of shots are chase scenes to where she falls down some stares and then the camera then switches onto the killer standing at the top in a very irregular germanistic camera angle.


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