Survey Analysis questions

For my coursework I have been placed into groups and given a task of creating a horror movie trailer along with posters. However before constructing my poster and trailer me and my group created a survey in order for us to reach out to the public to understand what the general conceptions are of a slasher movie. Most points of reference tend to be from past slasher movies which are iconic and stick within the minds of those that have watched them such as scream and friday the 13th with Jason and the killer in scream wearing an iconic white mask along with  a weapon that they use for their evil plot.

By establishing the age of our demographic we are able to identify the interest who our main audience is thus helping us to direct our trailer ways that appear more appealing towards our age range which according to the results has a high percentage of 17 year olds which means that our main audience is teenagers.

By establishing the whether or not our audience likes certain conventions that are implemented within trailers helps us be more time efficient and not just do things for the sake of doing it. By focusing down on the more important features of a trailer that they enjoy having it helps create a rapport between us the construction team and our niche audience

For me and my group we do believe that question three will be the most important and effective question that we have implemented within the survey as it cuts straight to the point telling us what they find eye catching and hooking them to continue watching a trailer. The highest placing within the survey results is sound. Seeing as sound along with special effects is quite high up on the ratio we will try and focus down and implement more features of this through the editing of our trailer.
By allowing this question to be an open ended question it allows the par takers of the survey to state their own true opinions of what is the most frightening element of the killer. What we found is that the mass amount of answers all stated that the concept of the killer wearing a mask and equipped with a dangerous tool that he isn't afraid to use is very distressing towards audiences and that fear is what grips them and immerses them into the narrative. Furthermore by understanding the most frightening element of the killer we can make sure it follows alongside the general conventions of a killer within the slasher genre without deviating too far from it.

This question should of in hindsight been asked at the start of the survey to rather gather a general conception of whether or not the audience did or didn't watch slasher movies however luckily around 78% of them watch slasher movies showing that they are still relevant within modern society in regards to the more popular movies such as Avengers which are generally seen as cash cows within the younger demographics.

By asking what our audience disliked about Slasher movies we were hoping to be able to depict certain issues within conventions we could try to avoid however due to them not wishing to seem to be putting me and my group at a disadvantaged they may have presumably been under the hawthorne effect where they answer in a manner to please the interviewer. However we did manage to get some decent responses and we were able to quantify it and make some usage of it

By asking what interests the audience it enables me and my group to implement certain scenarios and scenes into the drawing board of ideas that we have and how we can utilize them fully in order raise the fear factor throughout the trailer while also creating tension from start to finish within areas needed.

 This question relates back to the general slasher codes and conventions within the genre just seeing if the audience could identify certain tropes. Such as Blood and gore weapons and chase scenes throughout the course of the trailer enabling us to understand what they expect from us as a production team.

Most of the results deprived from this question were all related to friday the 13th due to Jason being such an iconic slasher movie character we have been thinking of adding some qualities that Jason had throughout the film to our killer such as the slow walk extrc.


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