Horror Hound Magazine Analysis

The mast head of the magazine is called 'HorrorHound'. The typography of mast head is bold and expanded almost from corner to corner taking up the majority of the top half of the magazine. It has a white outterlayer which makes the main text stand out the most within the magazine front cover. Blackand white are two juxtaposed colour schemes that have connotations from two different affinities death and life as they are binary opposites. This also  displays an unsettling atmosphere preturding from the main text.

On the left handside of the magazine it deviates from the general convention of a magazine side story as this HorrorHound magazine sets out a predominate area for all the side stories to be in rather than just have headlines in text format it allows viewers to have quicker responses towards there media product. Along with the headlines on the side of the page it has smaller images placed along with each individual story so viewers can get a grasp of what's inside the magazine before buying it applying subconsiouly uses and gratifictations towards the product seeing if it would meet their needs.

Furthermore the magazine follows the general conventional layout of a magazine in which it has 3 main colour themes as well as 1 or 2 different font styles which enable to it be distguinshed as a magazine from the first glance. Along with the colour scheme and text style certain words are coloured in colours to convey the genre and also catch the eyes of the audience. For example the cover story Scream which is often in contrast with the main image is in red typography which generally isnt how the film Scream is represented. Oftent he film even on posters is in White typography however in this magazine front cover the red conveys the aspect of gore within the film.

Along with the magazines general conventions such as the barcode being at the bottom handside of the magazine we can see that the Main image of the magazine is in fact in relation to the coverstory. The main image is Ghostface who is from Scream 4 as the line ontop says "The Return of Ghostface". Furthermore  Ghost the main image is correctly placed infront of the mast head conveying the power and dominance of Ghost face as he is the main aspect of this magazine, however it could also be in hommage to the acceptance of the house style where the mast heads are generally overshadowed in small areas.
