
Showing posts from March, 2018

Further Additions to my Magazine

As you can see I have changed some of the main aspects of my slasher movie magazine due to further research I carried out through the internet along with survey results that I have received. I decided to add more cover stories on the left hand side of the magazine which follows the conventions of most magazines to where additional films that are featured in other areas of the magazine are placed within the left hand side of the magazine in a column. I decided to change the Empire Logo back to its pure Red colour as I didn't believe that due to the most likely niche audience that my group (Company) has we wouldn't have that amount of austerity and recognition to be able to change an Empire magazines brand identity so I decided to keep it the original format in which it was made. I also followed the conventional layout of having a barcode attached to the right hand side of the foot of the magazine along with having special features of interviews with film makers. Doin

Story Board


Ancillary task

These statistics were of great use to me as they enabled me to see change in the course of film genre expectancies throughout the years and what films within the Uk were doing well. Also establishing the Age rating and genre helped me and my group obtain a general feel and idea for what approach we would want to have towards our trailer to have the maximum impact towards our audience.

Front cover draft

This is how far I have been able to get with the construction of  my magazine front cover. I tried my best to keep my magazine poster as close to the initial design that I had drawn out and had received feedback on from peers and my audience. I tried to recreate the same type of theme that was used with the Dark Knight magazine that I spoke about previously by having the Empire masthead darker not revealing that much of its vibrant red that is usually used with other Empire magazines. However I did find photo shop quite difficult to use so my skill assets were quite limited to some extent in the ways in which I was able to construct and edit my work. Using and editing the lighting to reflect of the blade was mainly used to keep the attraction/gaze of the audience on the blade to assure them of the narrative/genre of the film. My film production group decided to go with a black gown as the clothing of the killer along with a face which is a conventional aspect of the slasher genre

Photo shop work

First I opened up Photoshop to begin the first stage of construction with my magazine. After I used the various Lasso tools to crop out my killer from the black screen we had him stand behind for various photo shoots I placed the image in front of this forest like area which is symbolic  to a scene within the trailer. After tinkering around with the layer application within Photoshop I realised it was similar to green screening which made it more easier for me to comprehend how to tinker around with the different capabilities that it had to offer. Next I changed the tones and tinkered around with some of the contrasting around the tip of the hood to make it look more realistic along with the plasticity of the fake butcher knife that my group and I used. By changing some of the tonality of the image it allowed to me to have different variations of the colour spectrum throughout the course of constructing this main image rather than just having an individual in a pitch black robe t

Rough Design Final design concept that im going with


Magazine References

As I was aware that we would be required to create our own magazines for a slasher movie I decided to carry out some research into the topic. What I found was quite different to what I expected a slasher magazine to look like however it also placed some ideas within my mind and how I could incorporate some of the ideas into my work and designs. One of the design concepts that stood out to me the most is the Empire Magazine featuring the Dark Knight with the Jokers face on the front cover. The general colour palette used really conveys the genre of the film he is from and also extreme level of make-up used to portray his character as who the Joker with the dark eye shadow devious smile and bright red lipstick. However what I noticed to be the case with all of the horror magazine posters that I looked into is that they all share the same conventional layouts. The mast head remains at the top as it would with any of other magazine in most cases excluding the Dark Knight magazine the featu

Rough Design


Rough Designs for my Magazine


Rough Design for magazine
