Photo shop work

First I opened up Photoshop to begin the first stage of construction with my magazine. After I used the various Lasso tools to crop out my killer from the black screen we had him stand behind for various photo shoots I placed the image in front of this forest like area which is symbolic  to a scene within the trailer. After tinkering around with the layer application within Photoshop I realised it was similar to green screening which made it more easier for me to comprehend how to tinker around with the different capabilities that it had to offer.
Next I changed the tones and tinkered around with some of the contrasting around the tip of the hood to make it look more realistic along with the plasticity of the fake butcher knife that my group and I used. By changing some of the tonality of the image it allowed to me to have different variations of the colour spectrum throughout the course of constructing this main image rather than just having an individual in a pitch black robe the same colour as the background making it hard to differentiate him from it. By having some aspects of him as grey and increasing the vibrant whiteness of his mask it also conveys a supernatural aspect towards his true identity.

As you can see at this point I began moving on towards the next area of constructing my magazine poster by implementing the masthead into the background to gather some idea of the placement that I'd think suitable along side with the research that I currently carried out featuring The Dark Knight Suicide Squad and The Shining magazines. I've decided not to deviate away from the general convention that consists within conventions of creating a magazine which resides with having the mast head placed at the top of the page edging from side to side.
Along side my research of magazine conventions from AS and A2 what I decided to try and imitate a technique that I had learnt in class which was the German Expressionism where they use shadows to reintegrate the fear factor within the genre. I attempted to do this by having the killers shadow be seen covering some small area of the mast head lying behind him. This shadow however is not just placed behind him out of nowhere but from the lighting used on the left hand side of his hood so it has some sense of natural photography within it and not just a random effect added into it.

Furthermore I attempted to recreate the Dark Knight aspect of magazine by taking away the red from the Empire mast head by having it as the outline rather than the embodiment of the logo. However at this point I do think the reason why this worked more with the Dark Knight magazine is that the Joker is an iconic character and the colour scheme already matches the genre of the film and character design. Through this I realised that due to my film production being a low budget British realist film to some extent I may not get away with some conventions that larger media conglomerates may be able to use however this also works in my favour as Vice Versa I am able to use some niche conventions that low budget films are able to use.

Next I began touching up certain areas of my main image to allow it to portray a more realist outlook.I felt the lighting around the mask was too bright due to the contrast effects I added to it let alone the lighting my group used when taking the photo.

Lastly I added a flare effect towards the blade around the neck of the killer which catches the audiences attention immediately as it is not as bland as it was previously where it was a man in black just holding up a knife.  So far I do believe I am making good progress with the construction of my magazine and I will be carrying out further research to see where I can take it from here.


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