Further Additions to my Magazine

As you can see I have changed some of the main aspects of my slasher movie magazine due to further research I carried out through the internet along with survey results that I have received. I decided to add more cover stories on the left hand side of the magazine which follows the conventions of most magazines to where additional films that are featured in other areas of the magazine are placed within the left hand side of the magazine in a column. I decided to change the Empire Logo back to its pure Red colour as I didn't believe that due to the most likely niche audience that my group (Company) has we wouldn't have that amount of austerity and recognition to be able to change an Empire magazines brand identity so I decided to keep it the original format in which it was made. I also followed the conventional layout of having a barcode attached to the right hand side of the foot of the magazine along with having special features of interviews with film makers.

Doing further research into older films that were generally associated the slasher/horror genre I noticed that the typography that was used was very strange and quite out there even when looking at the two texts present "Swamp Thing!" and "The Mutant" the text looks quite different from a more modern depiction of a Slasher poster. I tried to imitate this through the Indesign image as you can see in the top right of the page where it says"Return of the slasher flick" however I am struggling to find the right typography to use as of now.


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