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Evaluation Question 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research and planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the construction research planning and the evaluation aspect of my course media technologies have been a vital asset towards me completing my work, and without them I doubt I would have gotten this far.Media technologies enabled me to create two different posters alongside a group project which was to construct a slasher trailer to the best of my capabilities. While constructing my individual tasks that I have mentioned alongside the trailer the different technologies that I used to create them were solely from media technologies such as In-design, Adobe Photoshop,Microsoft word and Adobe Clip/Film-maker thus cutting down on time but also being sufficient in terms of quality. Research Phase Before I could even begin the construction side or the planning areas of the project, what was mandatory to complete was the research phase. The reason as to why this was so crucial to my work is that through explanation my teachers could only give me a brief inkling in to what was re

Evaluation Question 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback

Throughout the course of my work I have come to understand the importance of audience feed back. Audience feedback is by far one the most important and detrimental aspects of the film industry especially independent films. Audience feedback highlights key important features within a product that the producers may have or may not have been aware of, such as things that they could improve on or what the specified product product lacked. In doing so it establishes a mutual relationship between the audience and production team, this allows the audience to feel that their responses are being taken into consideration and not looked over. The reason as to why this is vital for independent film makers such as my group is that we lack the financial stability to pump out films every single year and have sufficient advertisements such as companies like marvel which have made over  10 movies within the past decade. So realising this it lets me and my group know that for independent films a slight

Evaluation Question 2 - How Effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

Throughout the course of this year the main tasks assigned to me solely was to construct two ancillary texts which are my Amy poster and Empire magazine featuring Amy. However with regards to that of my group work we were told to create a slasher trailer which we constructed only after doing in-depth research into the genre. To some extent not realising the wider scheme of why I myself had to construct two ancillary texts rather than just have the trailer and leave it at that, I came to the understanding that this essentially allowed my product to reach different demographics which I previously wouldn't of been able to with the trailer solely on its own.The reason as to why is that due to audiences being fragmented within different avenues on the media where stereotypically the youth would be predominately using social media as their main platform and adults may sit around the television or use old media platforms that the youth no longer find popular such as MSN. In the past I car

Evaluation Question 1 In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Forms and conventions within slasher films revolve around the general tropes within the genre.This comes down to each individual aspect within the media product.This comes down to camera work, editing ,pace, sound whether that be diagetic or non diagetic , mise en scene and symbolic representations within the narrative such as Gramscis idea of dominant hegemony and the impact that has had within itself becoming a convention in itself. An example of this is how throughout the course of many different media products regardless of genre men are more likely to be portrayed as a dominant figure throughout the narrative whereas the women appears hopeless and in need of rescuing. Due to the task given to me which is creating my own media product I analysed a large amount of trailers and posters and de-constructed them in order to break them down in to a format that was more resourceful for me to apply what I've learnt from them towards my own product. When constructing my magazine fro