Evaluation Question 2 - How Effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

Throughout the course of this year the main tasks assigned to me solely was to construct two ancillary texts which are my Amy poster and Empire magazine featuring Amy. However with regards to that of my group work we were told to create a slasher trailer which we constructed only after doing in-depth research into the genre. To some extent not realising the wider scheme of why I myself had to construct two ancillary texts rather than just have the trailer and leave it at that, I came to the understanding that this essentially allowed my product to reach different demographics which I previously wouldn't of been able to with the trailer solely on its own.The reason as to why is that due to audiences being fragmented within different avenues on the media where stereotypically the youth would be predominately using social media as their main platform and adults may sit around the television or use old media platforms that the youth no longer find popular such as MSN. In the past I carried out secondary research by using official statistics from the BFI enabling me to see the changes within the larger institutions and how audiences preferences change over time featuring in terms of genre preferences. Furthermore the survey analysis that me and my group carried out helped me and my group to see what our target audience would be when we start constructing our trailer.

In the process of constructing my magazine the main aim that I had was conventionality, due to this I tried my best to allow a sense of synergy between old and new magazine forms and conventions alongside implementing this into to some areas of my trailer with the plate cards stating "You Can't Run". This is evident through the general theme and layout of the front cover. In terms of the layout of the magazine I have adopted and implemented the more modernised layout in terms of placing cover stories and special features.
A perfect example of this is the HorrorHound and Fangoria magazines. Everything seems to be cluttered onto the left hand side of the magazine along with having images of the featured stories going along side them. Furthermore by having everything placed onto the left hand side of the front cover it enables there to be a substantial amount of room on the rest of the page for the main image to be the predominant focus. One of the main conventions mainly derived from the these two magazines is the typography which I thought would be a great way to show a sense of synergy between old media text my magazine and my main product. The reason why is that the statement saying "Return of the Slasher Flick!" shows a sense of homage towards these two prior magazine with the contrasting colours of orange and yellow that don't necessarily go well together but convey the genre at its prime.

Within my trailer there is a scene where the killer walks down a corridor on his own my group decided to edit him moving forward and backwards to create a glitchy surreal movement. This is
a vital aspect within the trailer because it shows the way in which we have created a sense of balance between the old and new. Within old slasher movies and even horrors such as 'The Exorcist' they never relied heavily on CGI or editing as slasher movies or horrors do today, however they mainly focused upon using make-up as you can see from the main image of the Fangoria magazine.

So by me applying a similar typography style to my magazine but also having more modernised elements such as editing and some effects it allows my approach to be more nuanced in terms of demographics. Due to the results of the survey stating that the majority of the partakers being teens I thought by implementing some old conventional aspects within my magazine It would allow my products to reach out to a wider demographic being more effective. I do believe that the combination of my main product being the trailer and my magazine go hand in hand as they conventionally and aesthetically synergise quite well in terms of effectiveness. In terms of the colour scheme within both of my ancillary texts and the trailer is the same mainly featuring red and black and some areas white mainly on the magazine.

As I have stated previously understanding that my trailer is an independent film we don't necessarily have the resources to go out of our way to obtain a saturated audience through publicity and advertisement, thus making us rely on cheaper avenues to spread the word such as word of mouth and social media such as WhatsApp,twitter and Twitch.tv and posting the trailer on Youtube enabling us to have direct connection in terms of platform to our main demographic (Niche Audience) so that they don't feel forgotten allowing my group to have a multi-platform approach towards our audience capitalizing upon any opportunity we could adhere to.Throughout the trailer we see how the killer evolves from state that he previously was. Both of my ancillary texts show the main image to be the killer in his black cloak however within the start of the trailer we see how the killer doesn't start of wearing the cloak but a regular winter jacket. This was combination was implemented to add a layer of suspense within the trailer as the audience can visually link and comprehend the two ancillary texts to the trailer and see that something heinous is going to happen to this individual or someone else to psychologically morph them into wearing the cloak on the outside visual representing the state of their mind.

Looking at my second ancillary text my poster, the combination is quite evident between it and my trailer. I constructed the poster and precisely placed the main image in a certain pose that conveys the narrative of the film without giving away to much but also hinting at the disruption within. I tried to convey this through the background of the poster being pitch black but have the killer coming out from it and placing his knife over the title. My group tried to replicate this idea by having multiple test shoots within post production as you can see below. By trying to synergize both ancillary text and the trailer we've created a subliminal link between both products. So that when this scene visually takes place within the trailer it allows the audience to link it to the poster. Also aesthetically looking at the layout of my poster we can see the way in which I have made the casting crew to appear to look like a kill list leading up the to finale being Amy (Final Girl). Thus throughout the trailer creating tension and hysteria for the audience not knowing whether or not Amy would be safe throughout the course of the trailer. Showing the effectiveness of the combination of both of my products.

Below are the various stages that the trailer went through, as we began constructing the trailer with various different templates we asked our audience what they though of each phase of the production. As I have stated that we took the information from surveys and applied it within our trailer building upon from what he had till we managed to get the finalised product.


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