Fangoria poster analysis

Fangoria magazines are very dated and havent actually adapted in terms of style and layout that more recent horror magazines have such as Horrorville. The layout of the magazine is very basic and it shows to the convergence of media styles from the past to modern day magazines.

The Mast head 'Fangoria' pertrudes from one side of the page to the other however the typography and textual colour scheme show the ways in which media texts in the past were portrayed. Bright orange within modern society could never pass as being asscoiated with a horror film as its seen as very dated. However within this layout that Fangoria has created everything seems to be clumped together nearer the outside of the main images face. From the barcode to the top of the magazine page all of the information is placed within an 'r' shape which enables the page to frame the main images horrbile face which now stares at the audience catching their attentions.

Furthermore the side stories are all placed within the left handside of the page however only some of them have images to them which is the one at the top and the last image. The rest are all placed in text format which could convey that some of the side stories arent as relevant as another.

The cover story states the Exorcist returns which is a call back to the original exorcist flick which was renowned and known to be one of the scariest films. However by having all 3 sections of the text placed in different colours and fonts it displays unoraganised behaviour which cna be in some cases disstressing towards an audience as everything is neatly nit up as you would like things presented towards you.

The magazine front cover also has a tag line which states 'Never Before seen screams' Which is one of the most basic conventions which is a call out to the audience to try and catch their attention. 


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