Stephen Kings Children of the corn poster analysis

Looking at the general layout of this poster it follows the general conventions used when creating and establishing a horror movie poster. The main image of of this poster has a hand holding presumably the killers weapon conveying the narrataive. The weapon has similar features to that of a scythe however it is to short so it appears to be a pickaxe which deviates from the general convention of a scary slasher movie where the main killer would be wielding a knife. The hand lifts up the weapon into the sky seemingly about to deal out another blow to whatsover is beneath it all shaded in black which conveys connotations of death and power seemingly as this is the killer with his weapon.

Furthermore looking at the main aspects of the poster there is the hand of death attached to the weapon with and orange sky and kids all shaded in black with their eyes coloured in as white. The dark orange sky deviates from the general norm of what orange represents, this colour is generally asscociated with warmth, energy and harvest however the orange is getting darker and slowly turning red. This conveys a sense of regression with this film poster as normal meanings and connotations of the colour have now slow begun to regress and deteriate to where connotations such as energy and harvest now could mean that death is now reaping when contrasting it with the black hand holding the weapon.

Furthermore the point that i've made previously is further established when going into deeper depths and understanding of the hidden symbolism within this poster.The childrne that are standing in the corn field staring at the hand coming towards them has connotations of pending death upon their heads 'Death Flag' however those aren't the connotations or symbolism you would generally see asscocciated with children as within the most flicks they are known to be full of life and warmth but now we have the narrative urgency from this image that the children are going to be put into arms way at some point within the corn filed killed like harvesting corn.

Also the children arent necessarily using direct address within this poster however due to paranormal look given to them through their glare with white eyes it prevents the audience from not having their eyes caught by the unsettling image. Generally the colour white would have assocations/convey purity and innocence however within the text of this poster it shows the ways in which iconic symbolism and basic understanding of colour codes can be twisted to suite certain narratives. Symbolism such as children are seen as innocence however within this poster it makes them appear more spooky and unsettling than the actual hand of the potential killer with the pickaxe.

The casting crew is all written below in red text and it is formatted in bulky paragraphs however it appears to represent a flow/stream which could be connected symbolism of blood flowing signifying death of the children posisbly being killed.


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